The Ultimate Trollpasta

THE ULTIMATE TROLLPASTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111 (PART ONE)

It all started this very evening i was watching some utube but then something caught my eyes. there was a video labeled: Trollpasta so i was like awesome and kliked it and when i clicked play i wish i didn't. I was sucked into my computer and in some nether based world iwalked around for a while till i met a weird figure in the distance  i tried to make contact but it didnt see me so i did the worse decicion iv'e evur made I THRU A ROK AT IT!!11one
And i rly shudn't have done tht because it saw me

and walked closer. when it was near me i was petrified it was Dora but she was all haxed. all blocky and... haxy.. so iran for my life right into a weird patrick who looked real it was scary!! then a whole bunch of weird things happend there were skelletons everywhere in party hats princess bubble gum, a dog, Jeff the killer, sonic xxx, and a strange black thing annd they all started doing gangum style so i joined in and psy fell from the sky while doing the gangum style but then.. i realized what that black thing was it.. was.. a.. BLACK HOLE!!!1110NE
I got sucked back into reality and by then the vid was over and you know what i did? I THREW MY COMPUTER OUT THE WINDOW. i was done.